Discover how to activate science-based tools to finally relieve emotional stress that may be negatively affecting your life, so you can feel fully alive, balanced, and deeply connected to all of life.

Imagine how it would feel to be calm, centered and in harmony with yourself and your life, instantly at your command.

If you are like me, you probably long to have a meaningful life, filled with rich experiences that give you purpose and life satisfaction. And you also desire to feel a deep sense of belonging and connectedness to yourself and the world around you.

You want to live a life free from anxiety, chaos and stress. You want to be intuitive and in tune with yourself and the world around you. And you want to feel the inner calm and stillness, harmony and self-confidence.

But the problem is that you are likely feeling disconnected and stressed out like many of us living in this fast-paced culture. We are constantly bombarded with information that causes anxiety, fear, stress and, if left unchecked, overwhelm and burnout. On top of all that, there is a contagion effect. Anxiety and negativity seem to spread and snowball. People have now become more reactive than ever before. We don’t always have the time or tools to process our emotions and intentionally pause to connect with our intuition and inner wisdom.

When you are in this disorganized state, your sympathetic nervous system, that automatic “fight or flight” mechanism, runs on overdrive. It rarely turns off. That causes stress hormones to wreak havoc on your body. It causes your brain to be in dissonance (disharmony) with the goals and dreams you have.

The result? You feel confused. Overwhelmed. Chaotic.

When this happens, it’s difficult to make decisions and act in alignment with your desires. It’s harder to be of service, to follow your passions, and to find your purpose. When you feel that way, you can’t think clearly. it’s difficult to discern and focus. You get stuck. It’s like attempting to drive a car with a foot on the gas pedal and the other foot slamming the breaks. 

When you learn how to tame and retrain your overwhelmed brain, you’ll have the inner tools to develop emotional resilience and transform your life. 


That’s why I created this new online course called
Tame Your Overwhelmed Brain.


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 By the end of this course you will:

  • Transform the way you interact with the stressful world around you.
  •  Master the tools to self-regulate and re-calibrate your nervous system to feel “safe” in your body.  
  • Shift quickly and easily from feeling overwhelmed, stressed and anxious to feeling clear, focused and purposeful.
  • Gain awareness and deeper understanding of maladaptive stress responses and learn how to interrupt and switch off the cycle instantly.
  • Develop emotional resilience by intentionally practicing the mental exercises that grow your brain muscle.
  • Feel empowered, knowing that you do have a choice, and can take charge of your life, instead of allowing your emotions to continue to rule your life. 

When you do the work in this course, you will transform your brain, develop emotional resilience and tame the overwhelm!

I Was A Big Hot Mess, And It Was Not Pretty

My Story

I grew up in Argentina. Got married when I was 21.  A few years on, I found myself living in Connecticut with a toddler, a baby, and a husband. 

Before our family moved to Israel, we returned to South America. Finally, we settled in Pennsylvania. All that moving around introduced me to many cultures and several languages. For that, I am grateful.

That lifestyle may sound glamorous. But my children grew up without an extended family. We had little social and emotional support. When a series of traumatizing events hit, I was isolated.

My marriage disintegrated. My oldest son left for college. Attempting to deal with it all, my youngest son fell into a drug addiction. To save his life, I sent him to a facility where he received a year-long treatment.

To top it all off, my dog died.

A tsunami had hit and in a second, the storm came and went wiping out all I knew and loved. My life changed in an instant. There I was, standing alone in the aftermath in a foreign country with no family or friends. I didn’t know who I was or where I belonged. It was the lowest point in my life.

I felt overwhelmed with fear. Disconnected from everything. Numb. 

I had  a choice. Bury myself in a ditch…or seek help. So I started asking, “What do I need to feel whole again?

I learned ballroom dancing. Tango. Rumba. Cha-cha. The Waltz. And the Foxtrot. Then came Reiki. QiGong. Feldenkrais.

When I embraced Mindfulness, I learned to retrain and rewire my brain: It was life changing. I truly believe that rewiring of my brain was essential for my transformation: I learned to become resilient.

Part of my healing journey involves teaching others what I had to learn for myself, and contributing to the collective healing of the world. 

And now, I invite you on this journey towards wholeness and transformation.

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What Others Are Saying…

“Fanny's calm and soothing voice helped me relax and land in my best state to receive the information. She has a natural ability to empathize, making you feel safe and supported. Fanny is masterful at guiding through the exercises quickly, uncovering new insights, and experiencing breakthroughs”. - Angela Rosoff, Wellness Coach & Face Yoga Method Teacher
"My world opened up more to other things I didn't know. I became aware of what is possible if I do the work. Fanny is a good teacher. I liked the yawning exercise and moving super slow to force you to be in the moment, and I especially liked her back-patter (homemade mitten for patting yourself on the back)."
- Lisa Larson
Procrastination is my own worst enemy. Fanny has really helped me to stay focused and savor even small accomplishments. Little steps create giant gains in action. I’ve seen many positives in my personal and business life.  Big bonus is my business revenue has increased since working with Fanny. – Kelly Swischer-Bennett, MSW.
Fanny’s wealth of knowledge and resources has been instrumental in learning and effectively applying the brain strategies in my life when challenges appear. Thanks to her work as a Neuro-Coach, I have been able to realize the enormous potential that I have as a person and that if it were not for her, I might had never have discovered. Her work for me is simply invaluable —Amarilis Acevedo, Certified Special Education Teacher.

What You'll Learn

Module 1

Anatomy of Overwhelm: Understanding the Neuroscience of Stress

This module begins with an overview of the latest neuroscience research on stress, the neurobiology of the fear response and the brain structures involved in releasing stress chemicals. You will explore how a prolonged exposure to stress can condition the nervous system to default to survival mode, resulting in feeling  dysregulated, and causing more harm to the body. I’ll share practical tools to interrupt cognitive dissonance when overwhelm and chaos activate the fear network in the brain.

 In this module, you’ll discover: 

  • Five neuro-techniques that shift negative thoughts/ feelings in less than 60 seconds
  • How to experience brief moments of relaxed mindful awareness and aligned presence.
  • How to switch-off the maladaptive stress responses by interrupting the vicious cycle.

Module 2

Balance Your Brain Networks: Activating the Wisdom Center for Inner Harmony and Greater Presence

In this module, you will learn how the Brain Networks interact and practice brain based strategies to improve life balance and mental and physical health. You will learn how to activate the Salience Network- the wisdom center of your brain, where empathy and compassion originate. The Salience Network has a role modulating and balancing two major networks, and when activated, immediately facilitates a shift from chaos and dissonance to harmony and balance. You’ll discover:

  • How to intentionally balance the networks when you become aware of having anxiety producing thoughts
  • How to explore and develop self-awareness through daily journaling to understand your triggers, feeling threatened and dysregulated.
  • How to achieve a state of inner harmony: experience how balancing your brain networks instantly brings calm

Module 3

Movement is Medicine: Embracing Movement Meditation Practices to Activate the Mind-Body Connection

In this module, you will learn to become fully present, immersing yourself into a gentle dance meditation practice - incorporating your full attention and awareness into the movement and sensations in the body. This practice interrupts the effects of stress and mellows-down emotional reactivity. In this module, you’ll discover: 

  • How to increase feelings of calm, safety and harmony by activating body awareness
  • How to increase presence and more deeply experience the moment every day.
  • How to take your brain balancing strategies even deeper and increase your health, wellbeing and confidence by activating the mind-body connection

Module 4

Breathing Creates Space: Dissolving Reactivity with Your Breath

In this module, you will learn to be present in your body integrating movement and breath work. You will recalibrate your nervous system by learning to self regulate through breath work. You will learn to create spaciousness and how to set healthy boundaries. I’ll lead you in a guided practice of diaphragmatic breathing, helping you to feel safe in your body.In this module, you’ll discover: 

  • How to recalibrate your nervous system for increased self mastery. Learn to self regulate through breath work. 
  • How to use long exhalation to instantly access a state of calmed centeredness.
  • A dynamic visualization and full body breathing practice to multiply the benefits of this work.

Module 5

Build Resilience: Retraining and Rewiring Your Brain 

Resilience is a personal quality that enables us to thrive in the face of adversity; the capacity to be flexible, adapt and bounce back from hardships. In this module, you will practice exercises that increase mental and emotional resilience. You will also explore and work with feeling stuck and learn useful practices to work through stagnant energy. I’ll share rewiring techniques that build new and robust empowering beliefs.

In this module, you’ll discover: 

  • The five best stress busters.
  • A protocol to  prime your brain for resilience.
  • Strategies and experiential exercises to help eliminate limiting beliefs.

Module 6

The Neuroplasticity Switch: Developing Your Mental Muscle for ‘Automatic’ Self-Regulation

The brain reacts to experiences by creating neural pathways. It is called neuroplasticity. It is a process that requires repetition. When you build up your mental muscle using brain-based strategies, a repatterning begins to take place in the brain. Soon, you form a habit of noticing negative thoughts before they take over. You’ll learn to shift almost automatically. In this module, you will discover:

  • Mind Hacks: Neuroplasticity exercises.
  • Guided Mindfulness Practice: Ignite childlike curiosity, awe and openness.
  • How to go deeper using visualization, embodiment and ritual to release: fears, blocks, stuckness.

Module 7

Your Lifetime Practice: Living In Flow in Your Everyday Life  

In this module, I will teach you how to integrate the mindfulness and embodiment practices learned until it becomes deeply embedded in yourself. You will peek through the portal that now opens to discover the profound-life changing transformation that is possible for you when you embrace this practice and continue to do the inner work you just learned, going forward. In this module, you will discover:

  • How to get in alignment and deeply connect with your intuition and inner values.
  • How to activate your InnerGPS and navigate guided by your intuition- experiential exercise.
  • A celebration ritual: Embodying Gratitude- Ceremony

More Praise For Fanny...

Neuro-Coaching is definitely an experience that I strongly suggest. 
I found out that there is a great deal we can learn that changes how we react, how we apply ourselves to any situation, it does not matter how old you are —James Wartenberg
I had Fanny work with me when I survived a terrible disease while reintegrating into a whole new world. Of the unknown with family, with friends and work, she helped with my PURPOSE. I went from lost to found. I have personally learned not be as reactive to situations… meditating and breath work, and YAWNING!!!  
—Christina Z Potter-Cullum
What I appreciate about Fanny Elizaga as a Certified NeuroCoach is her unbounded creativity, kindness, respect, and commitment to helping people. Fanny has the unique ability to creatively and playfully shed light on challenges I have, which puts me at ease to access my intuition for fresh solutions. I often come away from coaching sessions with Fanny smiling and laughing, feeling optimistic and confident with the clarity Fanny helped me gain during the session. With Fanny’s creative and fun approach, I am learning to live a more fulfilling and happy life —Tina Nguyen, Dentist.
I found the mindfulness strategies very helpful to decrease my anxiety. I am now able to maintain the sense of well-being throughout the day —Renee I’esha, BSN, RN.
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It's More Than A Course. It's A Community!

When you register for Tame Your Overwhelmed Brain, my 7 Week LIVE Online Course you’ll become part of an inspired, vibrant, global learning community of people just like you who are shifting from chaos to calm.You’ll be invited to interact online with Fanny and your fellow participants through a private social network forum created exclusively for the participants in this course. As a part of each week’s curriculum you’ll be given practice exercises and invited to share your success, challenges, lessons and questions in the online forum.In addition to studying with Fanny, you can learn from each other, supporting each other’s progress.

Here’s What You’ll Receive:

7 weekly LIVE, 90 minute course teaching modules

Each course module includes teaching and experiential exercises, LIVE interactive group coaching and Q & A guidance.

Private custom-designed, interactive course website

All sessions and materials will be yours forever so that you can experience the teachings again and again!

Deepening Practices for each module

Between class sessions you’ll have the option of completing related exercises to accelerate your progress and integration.

Private Online Discussion Group for course participants only

Be part of a supportive community to learn and grow together

+ Plus:

  • Downloadable PDF documents Important course documents supporting the teaching modules will be available for download.
  • Audio AND Video recordings of all sessions. Missing a session is no problem! All modules are recorded for you to review at any time and are yours FOREVER!
  • Special Bonuses to enhance your course experience 
  • And More…


Instant Registration Bonus (Expires September 13th 2024)

Tame Your Brain 1 on 1 Coaching Session with Fanny.  

Receive personalized attention, support and recommendations for your unique situation from Fanny to help you shift from chaos to calm. To be scheduled on or after April 18th. 


Early Registration Bonus (Expires September 19th 2024)

 CHAOS TO CLARITY- Taming the Unfocused Brain

A 3 module program that brings practical science-based strategies to declutter your mind, calm the nervous system, and shift awareness, so you can have more clarity and focus AND learn to create a sacred inner space to dissolve reactivity and respond to life challenges.


Wellness Qi-Gong- Fundamentals  4 Module course

Dissipate your stress, enhance your flexibility, and move stagnant energies through a gentle QiGong routine. Based on the ancient healing art of QiGong, a slow moving meditation-coordinated with breathwork that promotes wellness, focus and centeredness. Value:$97

Guided Self Compassion Meditation 
(Audio MP3 and PDF transcript) 

Become more loving, kind, and forgiving towards yourself by practicing self-compassion.

Counteract that tendency, humans have to be harsh and criticize themselves unconsciously.


Love & Kindness with a Twist- Meditation and Visualization.
(Audio MP3 and PDF transcript)

Cultivate and develop a sense of connectedness with yourself, others, and the physical world.

Fill yourself with so much love and kindness that spills over and expands.


Guided Self Love and Positive Affirmations 
(Audio MP3 and PDF transcript)

You are worthy of love for no reason at all!  Celebrate the beautiful being you are by practicing these powerful, positive affirmations for self- love and self-worth. They were specially curated by me to honor and celebrate the beauty of your true essence. 



Course begins

Thursday, September 26th 2024 11am PT / 2pm EST / 7pm UK

for 7 weeks

Can’t make it live? No worries! 

Recordings of all sessions will be available for streaming

Here's a summary of what the 7-week course includes:



single payment

  • 7 LIVE Teaching Sessions and 
  • 7 Experiential Learning with Fanny
  • 7 LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions
  • Private Course Website
  • Private Online Social Sharing & Discussion Community (Group)
  • Weekly Exercises and Practices
  • Downloadable Course Materials
  • Audio + Video Recordings of All Sessions
  • ALL the Special Bonus Content
  • And much, much more 
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per month / 3 monthly payments

  • 7 LIVE Teaching Sessions and 
  • 7 Experiential Learning with Fanny
  • 7 LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions
  • Private Course Website
  • Private Online Social Sharing & Discussion Community (Group)
  • Weekly Exercises and Practices
  • Downloadable Course Materials
  • Audio + Video Recordings of All Sessions
  • ALL the Special Bonus Content
  • And much, much more 
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Meet Fanny Elizaga

Fanny Elizaga has 29 years of experience as a licensed occupational therapist and wellness practitioner. She is a certified trauma-centered NeuroCoach, and mindfulness trainer. Over the years, she has embraced her passion for learning and applying holistic modalities for mind-body healing in her personal and professional life. Having Grown up in Argentina and lived in different countries, Fanny incorporates her eclectic background and experience into her practice.

Fanny inspires, empowers, and educates her clients by teaching brain-enhancing tools for self-improvement and resilience.

She is the founder and trainer of NeuroWellness Academy and the author of the e-book Chaos to Clarity-Taming the Unfocused Brain-sold by Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

For any questions not answered here please contact me at: [email protected]

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What Others Are Saying…

My sessions with Fanny have really had a positive impact on me in terms of thought processes. I have a very hectic work environment and finding time to refocus and get centered was not something I consciously would do. This leads to high levels of stress! Now, with Fanny’s help I am more able to take a step back, close my eyes and refocus on what’s most important and stay on track with my daily goals. She really is a source of wisdom and positive energy in my life. I would highly recommend her to friends and colleagues. - Laurie Vasoli, Licensed Realtor at Keller Williams.
Working with Fanny has been a very rewarding experience. Her compassionate communication, connection with her inner values and her sharp intuition have helped me to raise my awareness and to celebrate my inner child.
- Shlomit Sheena, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Certified Neurocoach and Reiki Master. 
“ Fanny demonstrates the rare skill of combining science based neuro strategies with a playful and creative approach to learning. She does this with heart and humor...making this valuable information readily accessible to anyone who is ready, willing and able to benefit from her classes ... I hope you enjoy her and what she is offering as much as I have.”
- Rei McColley Certified Life and Neurocoach
“I highly recommend working with Fanny. She provides a safe and comfortable space for her clients with her calm and warm presence. She offers a wide range of tools for self-development that can be used daily, including neurocoaching techniques, breath work, journaling, visualization, movement, and playfulness. Her sessions are also very grounding.”
-Rigmor Janne Eik